Monday, July 29, 2013

Smalter Hall / Lushington Mechanism of Action work selected top paper of BioMedCH 2012

It somehow escaped my attention earlier, but the paper that Aaron Smalter Hall and I wrote last year for the BioMedChem 2012 meeting in Kos Greece was selected as top paper of conference.  See:

The paper introduced a biclustering-based protocol that we devised for mechanism of action elucidation in complex multimodal data sets.  We're currently assembling a followup paper in which we present practical applications of the method to finding subsets of high throughput phenotypic and ADME chemical screens, wherein each subset contains molecules that appear to have analogous structure-activity relationships (a key indicator of common mechanism of action).

The official citation of our introductory paper is:

Aaron Smalter Hall & Gerald H. Lushington.  Discovering Mechanisms of Action in Chemical Structure-Activity Data Sets.  Recent Advances in Biology and Biomedicine Series.  2012, 1: 47-53.